

I offer bespoke leadership development with a strong focus on:

  • Business outputs and performance: My main focus is to support the leader to achieve his or her business objectives – now and in the future.
  • Latest research on effective leadership: Knowing the latest thinking can help leaders make a choice about their leadership style.
  • Emotional intelligence: Good leaders know what motivates them and energises them as well as what drains and stresses them. Also, they have an awareness of what motivates and drains their colleagues and customers and are able to adapt their style accordingly. I recommend that the leader completes a Lumina Spark profile. This gives a perspective on where they are in relation to what good looks like – for them personally and for the business in which they work.
  • The leader's role in relation to the wider system: How leadership style impacts on culture (the way we do things around here) and vice versa.
